Hornady 257 Weatherby Magnum FL Die Set

C$85.99 CAD
In stock (2)
Product information

Hornady is one of the most respected names in ammunition, and continues to innovate and improve their products. Improvements are made to Hornady’s dies every year, and are included in all newly manufactured dies. Feature highlights include the all-new Zip-Spindle design, Sure-Loc rings, an eliptical expander, and highly polished interiors.

Hornady’s full length bottleneck cartridge sizing dies ensure that factory specifications are restored. Full length sizing dies ensure the highest reliability in semi automatic firearms, and allow brass to be used in more than one firearm, by ensuring that the brass is returned to SAAMI specifications.

Hornady reloading dies represent the finest in machined craftsmanship. Articulated details offer more precise reloading, by offering easier adjustments, better alignment and smoother functioning. With one of the finest internal finishes in the industry, Hornady Custom Grade and Match Grade Dies provide a lifetime of reloading. They’re so well crafted that they’re guaranteed never to break or wear out from normal use.

EAN: 090255562743

SKU: HOR-546274

Weight: 907

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Hornady 257 Weatherby Magnum FL Die Set
Hornady 257 Weatherby Magnum FL Die Set

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