Pelican Argo 80X is the smallest kayak in Pelican’s Argo family of recreational sit-in kayaks. It is designed for teenagers and smaller adults who look for a lightweight, short kayak that is easy to handle, store and transport.
Size and Weight
Pelican Argo 80X is 7 ft 9 in. (236 cm) long and 28 in. (71 cm) wide with a deck height of 14 in. (36 cm). The kayak weighs only 27 lb (12.2 kg), so you’ll easily carry it to or from the water, throw in on top of your car or put it away for storage.
The maximum capacity is 200 lb (91 kg), which is not much but should be sufficient for a teenager or a small adult. Remember that it’s good practice not to exceed 80 percent of the kayak’s maximum capacity.
Like many other Pelican models, the Argo 80X is made of RAM-X material, which is a three-layer sheet of high-density polyethylene. The kayak is made using thermoforming technology. A sheet of RAM-X is heated up and stretched over a mold using vacuum. Two parts of the hull are then melted together, creating a strong bond.
Contrary to popular belief, your kayak will not leak or come apart at the seams. The seams are the strongest part of the hull!
Pelican Argo 80X is a simple boat with minimum features. You get a small molded organizer in front of the cockpit opening, two bottle holders, a molded seat with an adjustable padded backrest, and a small rear tank well secured by a bungee cord. There are two carry handles and a drain plug.
Pelican Argo 80X has a twin-arched multi-chine hull. This hull shape is ideal for beginners and casual paddlers because it is easy to use and has good primary stability. Keep in mind that this kayak is designed for calm waters only. It is not suitable for big lakes, waves, or fast-moving rivers.
The kayak tracks reasonably well for its short length. It won’t go fast and far, but it can provide a fun and relaxing experience on short recreational paddling trips.
If you’re just getting started kayaking and you’re looking for maximum safety on the water, you may want to consider a sit-on-top model like the Pelican Sentinel 80X instead. Sit-on-top kayaks are inherently safer because they don’t get swamped if they capsize and they are easier to get into from the water.
*Paddles Sold Separately
SKU: 776324550186
Weight: 226
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